Henning Koch  @triskweline

About Unpoly

Unpoly is an unobtrusive JavaScript framework for server-side web applications.
It enables fast and flexible frontends while keeping rendering logic on the server.

This presentation is for experienced Unpoly 1 users
who want to learn about the major changes in Unpoly 2.

Unpoly 2?

Unpoly 2 is the end of a long-term project.

It resulted from many discussions with my colleagues at makandra, and the limits they ran into when using Unpoly for non-trivial interactions.

I also looked through a lot of code on our Gitlab to see how Unpoly was used in the wild.

Unpoly 2 objectives

Kill boilerplate configuration

Repetitive configuration code is now the default. New, unopionated Bootstrap integration.

Layer API

A new layer API replaces modals and popups.
Layers are isolated and can be stacked infinitely.


Branch off sub-interaction into an overlay.
Overlay results are propagated back to parent layer, where the story continues.

Navigation intent

Not every fragment update means a user navigation. Switching screens need other defaults than updating a box.


All Unpoly features carefully manage focus. Keyboard navigation is supported everywhere.

Quality of live improvements

Extensive improvements for almost all APIs.

Changes ahead, but don't panic!

I know that many of you are maintaining large apps with Unpoly 0.62.

You will see some major changes in these slides, but don't panic!
Unpoly 2 keeps aliases for deprecated APIs going back to 2016.

Renamed events are aliased

up.on('up:proxy:load') will bind to

Renamed functions are aliased

up.modal.close() will call

Renamed options are aliased

{ reveal: false } will be renamed to
{ scroll: false }

Renamed packages are aliased

up.proxy.config will return

Renamed HTML attributes are aliased

<a up-close> will translate to
<a up-dismiss>.

Calls to old APIs will be forwarded to the new version and log a deprecation notice with a trace.

New log

This way you upgrade Unpoly, revive your application with few changes,
then replace deprecated API calls under green tests.

Removing aliases from your build

All aliases are shipped as a separate file unpoly-migrate.js.

If you prefer errors to warnings, you can set up.migrate.config.logLevel = 'error'.

Once you have fixed deprecated usages you can remove this from your build.

Kill boilerplate configuration

💡 Our projects need too much code to configure Unpoly.

None of our projects use Unpoly as it comes out of the box. Instead we customize Unpoly with a long list of custom settings, Rails helpers and macros that we copy from project to project.

Some of that should be a better default by the framework.

Delete your link helpers

All our projects have helpers like content_link and modal_link to configure defaults:

  • Make a link followable through Unpoly
  • Accelerate clicks with [up-preload] and [up-instant]
  • Set a default target selector
  • Set a transition (sometimes)

In Unpoly 2 these helpers (and their macros) are no longer needed.

You can configure Unpoly 2 to handle standard <a href> links without any [up-...] attributes.

Rails users can now use the standard link_to helper without extra options.

Following all links by default

💡 Most apps handle all links and forms through Unpoly.

Unpoly 1 forced apps to manually opt-in every link and form.

You can tell Unpoly 2 to handle all links and forms:


Links will now be followed through Unpoly without an [up-target] or [up-follow] attribute:

<a href="/backend">...</a>

Making exceptions

You may still opt out individual links or forms by setting [up-follow=false]:

<a href="/backend" up-follow="false">...</a>

Unpoly comes pre-configured to never follow:

  • Links with a cross-origin [href].
  • Links with a [target] attribute (to target an iframe or open new browser tab).
  • Links with a [rel=download] attribute.
  • Links with an [href] attribute starting with javascript:.
  • Links with an [href="#"] attribute that don't also have local HTML in an [up-document], [up-fragment] or [up-content] attribute.
  • Links matching up.link.config.noFollowSelectors

Accelerating links by default

💡 Most links should activate on mousedown and be preloaded.

If you want to default to [up-instant] and [up-preload]:


All your links now activate on mousedown and (with a GET method) preload on mouseover:

<a href="/backend">...</a>

Making exceptions

Instant clicks feel wrong for buttons. To cover that, configure a CSS selector that excludes buttons:


Individual links may opt out by setting [up-instant=false] or [up-preload=false]:

<a href="/backend" up-instant="false">
<a href="/expensive-path" up-preload="false">

You may also configure global exceptions in up.link.config.noInstantSelectors and up.link.config.noPreloadSelectors.

Main targets

💡 Many links simply replace the main content element.

Unpoly 1 required you to pass a target selector with every fragment update, although it would often be the same selector.

Unpoly 2 lets you mark elements as default targets using the [up-main] attribute:

  <div class="layout">
    <div class="layout--side">
    <div class="layout--content" up-main>

Links work without target

Once a main target is configured, you no longer need [up-target] in a link.
Use [up-follow] and the [up-main] element will be replaced:

<a href="/foo" up-follow>...</a>

If you want to update something more specific, you can still use [up-target]:

<a href="/foo" up-target=".profile">...</a>

Instead of assigning [up-main] you may also configure an existing selector:


Overlays can use different main targets

💡 Overlays often use a different default selector, e.g. to exclude a navigation bar.

Unpoly 2 lets you configure different main targets for different layer modes:

  <div class="layout" up-main="root">
    <div class="layout--side">
    <div class="layout--content" up-main="overlay">

You may also configure overlay targets unobtrusively:

up.layer.config.popup.mainTargets.push('.menu')              // for popup overlays
up.layer.config.drawer.mainTargets.push('.menu')             // for drawer overlays
up.layer.config.overlay.mainTargets.push('.layout--content') // for all overlay modes

Setting a default transition

I'm not a big fan of animating every fragment update.

But since some of you do this, here is how to set a default transition:

up.fragment.config.navigateOptions.transition = 'cross-fade'

We're going to learn more about up.fragment.config.navigateOptions in a minute.

Reworked Bootstrap integration

💡 Many projects didn't use built-in Bootstrap integration, because it was too opinionated.

For example, Unpoly tried to re-use the Bootstrap modal styles, but most projects simply wanted the white box from the Unpoly default. Projects ended up using their own configuration, which was much more minimal.

Unpoly 2 now ships with a unopinionated Bootstrap integration.

This is all of unpoly-bootstrap4.js:

// Bootstrap expects the class .active instead of .up-active

// Set .up-current classes in Bootstrap navigation components
up.feedback.config.navs.push('.nav', '.navbar')

// When validating, update the closest form group with the results

// When revealing, scroll far enough so content is not covered by
// fixed Bootstrap bars
up.viewport.config.anchoredRight.push('.navbar.fixed-top', '.navbar.fixed-bottom')

/// Don't use common utility classes to build selectors

Support for Bootstrap 3, 4 and 5

Unpoly 2 now supports the three major Bootstrap versions we're using:

  • unpoly-bootstrap3.js
  • unpoly-bootstrap3.css
  • unpoly-bootstrap4.js
  • unpoly-bootstrap4.css
  • unpoly-bootstrap5.js
  • unpoly-bootstrap5.css

Layer API


🎥 Show in the demo app:

  • Infinite stacking: Company / Project / Budget

  • Returning with value: Create budget from project details

New layer terminology

The root page, modals and popups have been consolidated into a single term layer.

There are different layer modes, e.g. modal or popup.

An overlay is any layer that is not the root layer.

Mode Description Overlay?
root The root page no
modal A modal dialog box yes
drawer A drawer sliding in from the side yes
popup A popup menu anchored to a link yes
cover ✨ Covers entire screen yes

Layers can be stacked infinitely

💡 In Unpoly 1 you could only open a single modal. This limited its practical applications.

Example from a real application:

  • An index page on the root layer shows a list of records
  • Clicking a record opens a record in a modal overlay. This is useful since the user retains the scroll position of the list in the background.
  • The details screen cannot open another modal overlay, since one is already open.

Unpoly 2 lets you stack an arbitrary number of layers.

🎥 Show demo

Layers are fully isolated

💡 In Unpoly 1 you could accidentally update another layer.

In Unpoly 2 layers are fully isolated. You cannot accidentally target an element in another layer:

<a href="/path" up-target=".foo"> <!-- will only match in current layer -->

If you want to do anything in another layer, use an [up-layer] attribute:

<a href="/path" up-target=".foo" up-layer="parent"> <!-- will only match in parent layer -->
<a href="/path" up-target=".foo" up-layer="root">   <!-- will only match in root layer -->
<a href="/path" up-target=".foo" up-layer="new">    <!-- opens a new modal overlay -->

You can always look at [up-layer] to know what layer is going to be updated.
If there is no [up-layer] attribute, you are going to update the current layer.

CSS selectors are matched in the current layer

JavaScript functions that take a CSS selector will only look in the current layer:

up.submit('.user-form') // will only find in the current layer
up.fragment.get('.foo') // will only find in the current layer

If you want to match a selector in another layer, use a { layer } option:

up.fragment.get('.first', { layer: 'any' })    // will find in any layer
up.fragment.get('.first', { layer: 'parent' }) // will find in parent layer

You don't need a { layer } option when you pass DOM elements instead of selectors:

up.submit(form) // will submit the form in the form's layer
up.fragment.get(element, '.child') // will find .child in element's descendants

Referring to layers

Layer name Description
current The current layer
any Any layer, preferring the current
parent The layer that opened the current layer
closest The current layer or any ancestor, preferring closer layers
root The root layer
overlay Any overlay
origin The layer of the element that triggered the current action
<Number> The layer with this index
Layer name Description
ancestor Any ancestor layer of the current layer
child The child layer of the current layer
descendant Any descendant of the current layer
<Element> The given element's layer
current root Space-separated alternatives
front The frontmost layer (which may not be the current layer)

Most events are associated with a layer

💡 Layers are rarely interested in events of other layers.

Where possible Unpoly 2 will emit its events on associated layers instead of document.
This way you can listen to events on one layer without receiving events from other layers.

Events resulting from user navigation (like up:link:follow, up:request:load) are associated with the layer of the activated element.

Listening to your layer

Unpoly 2 provides convenience functions up.layer.on() and up.layer.emit()
to listen / emit on the current layer:

up.layer.on('up:request:load', callback) // only listen to events from the current layer
up.layer.emit('my:event') // emit my:event on the current layer's element

The current layer is the layer in which you are compiling or navigating.

Listening to everything

Layer events will still bubble up to the document,
so you can still register a listener for events from any layer:

up.on('up:request:load', callback) // listen to events from all layers

Remembering the current layer

Like most functions, up.layer.dismiss() will affect the "current" layer,
so it's an alias for up.layer.current.dismiss().

up.layer.current is set to the right layer in compilers and most events, even if that layer is not the "front" layer. E.g. if you're compiling a fragment for a background layer, up.layer.current will be the background layer during compilation.

If you have async code, the current layer may change when your callback is called.
You may also retrieve the current layer for later reference:

function dismissCurrentLayerIn(seconds) {
  let savedLayer = up.layer.current // returns an up.Layer object
  let dismiss = () => savedLayer.dismiss()
  setTimeout(dismiss, seconds * 1000)

dismissCurrentLayerIn(10) // 

Inspecting the layer from the server

The server now knows if the request is targeting an overlay.
The following is Ruby code (unpoly-rails gem):

up.layer.overlay?  # true
up.layer.root?     # false
up.layer.mode      # 'drawer'

Note that fragment updates may target different layers for successful (HTTP status 200 OK) and failed (status 4xx or 5xx) responses. Use up.fail_target to learn about the layer targeted for a failed update:

up.fail_layer.overlay?  # false
up.fail_layer.root?     # true
up.fail_layer.mode      # 'root'

Layer context

The web platform gives you several tools to persist state across requests,
like cookies or session storage.

But with overlays you need to store state per layer.

Unpoly adds layer context, a key/value store that exists for the lifetime of a layer:

Store Scope Persistence Values Client-manageable Server-manageable
Local storage Domain Permanentish String Yes
Cookies Domain Configurable String Configurable Yes
Session storage Tab Session String Yes
Layer context 🆕 Layer Session Object Yes Yes

Initializing the context object

The default context is an empty object ({}).

You may initialize the context object when opening a layer:

up.layer.open({ url: '/games/new', context: { lives: 3 } })

Or from HTML:

<a href='/games/new' up-layer='new' up-context='{ "lives": 3 }'>
  Start a new game

Working with the context object

You may read and change the context from your client-side JavaScript:

up.layer.on('heart:collected', function() {

You may read and change the context from the server:

class GamesController < ApplicationController

  def restart
    up.context[:lives] = 3
    render 'stage1'


Use case: Re-using interactions in an overlay, but with a variation

Context is useful when you want to re-use an existing interaction in an overlay, but make a slight variation.

  • Assume you want to re-use your existing contacts index for a contact picker widget.
  • The contact picker opens the context index in an overlay where the user can choose a contact.
  • In this case the contact index should show an additional message "Pick a contact for project Foo", replacing Foo with the actual name of the project.

We can implement such an contact picker with this ERB template:

<% form_for @project do |form| %>

  Contact: <%= form.object.contact %>

  <a href='/contacts'
    up-context='<%= { project: @project.name }.to_json %>'>
    Pick a contact

<% end %>

Our effective contact object would now be something like { project: 'Hosting 2021' }.

The server can inspect the context in /contacts/index.erb:

<% if up.context[:project] %>
  Pick a contact for <%= up.context[:project] %>:
<% else %>  
  List of contacts
<% end %>

<% @contacts.each do |contact| %>
<% end %>  

New overlay HTML structure

Unpoly 2 uses a more compact HTML markup for its overlays.
If you have customized your modals and popup with CSS, this is a breaking change for you.

Luckily the new HTML structure is very similiar:

Old modal HTML

<div class="up-modal">
  <div class="up-modal-viewport">
    <div class="up-modal-dialog">
      <div class="up-modal-content">...</div>
      <div class="up-modal-dismiss">×</div>

New modal HTML


The HTML of other overlay modes was changed in the same way (e.g. <up-popup>).

Customizing overlays with CSS

If you have modified the appearance with CSS, you need to update your selectors.


.up-popup-content {
  background-color: #eeeeee;


up-popup-content {
  background-color: #eeeeee;

Overlay classes

You can assign a class to the overlay you're opening.


  url: '/confirm-erase',
  method: 'delete',
  class: 'warning'


<a href="/confirm-erase"
  Erase disk

The class will be assigned to the layer element:

<up-modal class="warning">

You can now style "warning modals" in your CSS:

up-modal.warning up-modal-box {
  background-color: yellow

Overlay sizes

💡 In Unpoly 1, overlays grew with the size of the content. This was impractical because
a single long line of text would stretch the overlay to its maximum width.

Because of this most projects have configured modals to have a fixed size.
Many projects also have hacks to open modals with different sizes.

In Unpoly 2 all overlays have a given size that sets a maximum width:

<a href="/path" up-layer="new" up-size="small">open small modal</a>
<a href="/path" up-layer="new" up-size="medium">open medium modal</a>
<a href="/path" up-layer="new" up-size="large">open large modal</a>
<a href="/path" up-layer="new" up-size="auto">open growing modal</a>

Default sizes

Mode small medium large grow
modal 350px 650px 1000px grow with content
popup 180px 300px 550px grow with content
drawer 150px 340px 600px grow with content
cover 100% 100% 100% 100%

These are generally wider than Bootstrap's counterparts.

Regardless of size, overlays never grow wider than the screen width.

Customizing overlay sizes

You can customize sizes with CSS:

up-modal[size=medium] up-modal-box {
  width: 500px;

Customizing overlay HTML

The HTML markup for a given overlay mode is now static.
There is no up.modal.config.template anymore.

Many former use cases for up.modal.config.template are covered by assigning a class or size.

If you do need to customize the overlay HTML, you may use the up:layer:opened event to modify the layer as it becomes visible. The event is emitted before the opening animation starts.

up.on('up:layer:opened', function(event) {
  if (isChristmas()) {
    up.element.affix(event.layer.element, '.santa-hat', text: 'Merry Christmas!')

Drawers and modal "flavors"

Drawer overlays used to be a modal "flavor" in Unpoly 1.
They shared their HTML markup with standard modal overlays.

There is no up.modal.flavors in Unpoly 2 anymore.

Drawers are now a first-class overlay mode with their own <up-drawer> element.

There is currently no API to define a custom overlay mode.

New layer mode: Cover

Unpoly 2 ships with a new layer mode called cover.

It overlays the entire page, including application layout.
It brings its own scrollbar.

<a href="/path" up-layer="new cover">

You often see cover overlays in mobile apps, e.g. on settings screens.

Dismissability can be fine-tuned

In Unpoly 1 you could prevent a user from closing a layer with the { closable: false } option.

In Unpoly 2 you may choose which closing methods are available to the user:

Option Effect Dismiss value
{ keyDismissable } Enables dimissing with Escape key :key
{ outsideDismissable } Enables dismissing by clicking on the background :outside
{ buttonDismissable } Adds an "X" button to the layer :button

You may also enable or disable all closing methods together with the { dismissable } option.

Overlays without history

💡 Modals without history required too much code in Unpoly 1.

In Unpoly 1 you could use { history: false } to open an overlay without updating the browser history. However, every user navigation within that overlay would affect history, unless you had [up-history=false] on every link. This is impractical, since a link should not need to know whether it is used within an overlay.

Unpoly 2 reworks that behavior to what you would expect:

  • When an overlay is opened without history, no contained link or form will ever update history.
  • When an overlay without history opens another overlay, that other overlay will never update history.
  • Layers without history know their current location URL (up.layer.location).
  • Layers without history support the .up-current class.


Why we need sub-interactions

🎥 Show scenario in the demo app

This story is the base use case for a sub-interaction:

  • User starts filling out the form for a new project
  • To create a project, the user must select a company. But the desired company does not yet exist.
  • The user may open a new overlay to create the missing company.
    The unfinished project form remains open in the background.
  • When the company was created in the overlay, the overlay should close.
    The project form should now have the newly created company selected.

Unpoly 1 modals didn't work well for this

💡 Unpoly 1 hade no way to communicate the "result" of an overlay back to the parent layer.

Overlay content needed to update fragments in the parent layer to continue the story there. This required the overlay to know the parent layer's state, coupling the sub-interaction to the parent interaction.

In Unpoly 2 overlays no longer need to know about the parent layer's state.

Acceptance conditions in Unpoly 2

When opening an overlay in Unpoly 2, you may define a condition when the overlay interaction ends.

When the condition occurs, the overlay is automatically closed and a callback is run.

This completely decouples the outer interaction from sub-interactions.

Overlay result values

Overlays in Unpoly 2 may have a result value.

E.g. if the user selects a value, creates a record or confirms an action, we consider the overlay to be accepted with that value.

  url: '/select-user',
  onAccepted: (event) => console.log('Got user ', event.value)

The following slides examine how an overlay can be accepted.

Accepting when a location is reached

The following will open an overlay that closes once a URL like /companies/123 is reached:

<a href="/companies/new"
  up-on-accepted="alert('New company with ID ' + value.id)">
  New company

Placeholders in the URL pattern ($id) become the overlay's acceptance value.

The [up-on-accepted] callback is called with an acceptance value.

Reloading on acceptance

A common callback is to reload an element in the parent layer:

<a href="/companies/new"
  New company

<div class="company-list">

Adding options to an existing select

Another common callback reloads <select> options and selects the new foreign key:

<select name="company">...</select>

<a href="/companies/new"
  up-on-accepted="up.validate('select', { params: { company: value.id } })">
  New company

Why this is useful

  • You already have a CRUD interaction for companies
  • You can now embed the existing company form into your project form
  • The embedded interaction does not need to know when it's "done" or what to do when it's done. Instead the parent layer defines an acceptance condition and callback action.

Accepting when an event is emitted

Instead of waiting for a location to be reached, you may accept an overlay
once a given event is observed on the overlay:

<a href="/users/new"
  up-on-accepted="alert('Hello user #' + value.id)">
  Add a user

The event object becomes the overlay's acceptance value.

Emitting events from your frontend

Unpoly uses standard DOM events that you can emit with Element#dispatchEvent() or up.emit().

To emit an event on the current layer, your JavaScript code may use up.layer.emit():

up.layer.emit('user:created', { id: 123 })

Emitting when a link is clicked

To emit an event when the user clicks on a link, you may also use [up-emit] in your HTML:

<a href='/users/5'
  up-emit-props='{ "id": 5 }'>
  Select user #5

A parent layer waiting for this event will prevent it, causing the link not to be followed.

Emitting events from the server

In a server-side application, events often occur on the server.

In Unpoly 2 the server can also emit events:

class UsersController < ApplicationController

  def create
    if @user.save
      up.layer.emit('user:created', id: @user.id)
      redirect_to @user


The server-sent event is emitted on the updated layer.
To emit on the document, use up.emit() instead.

Accepting a layer explictly

If you want to be really direct, assign an [up-accept] attribute to a link in an overlay.
The link's layer will be closed when the link is clicked:

<a href='/users/5' up-accept='{ "id": 5 }'>Choose user #5</a>

The JSON value of the [up-accept] attribute becomes the overlay's acceptance value.

The link's [href] is just a fallback here. It will only be followed if the link is on the root layer (where there is no overlay to accept). You can also omit the [href] attribute.

I'm not a huge fan of this because it couples the overlay interaction to its parent layer.
But some of you asked for it, and I guess sometimes the overlay cannot be decoupled from its parent.

Accepting from the server

The server can also accept an overlay explicitly:

class UsersController < ApplicationController

  def create
    if @user.save
      if up.overlay?
        up.layer.accept(id: @user.id)
        redirect_to @user


Positive vs. negative close intent

We've seen examples where an overlay was accepted with a result value.
But what happens if the user presses ESC or clicks the "X" button?

For this Unpoly 2 distinguishes two kinds close intents:

  1. Accepting a layer (user picks a value, confirms with "OK", etc.), optionally with a value
  2. Dismissing a layer (user clicks "Cancel", "X", presses ESC, clicks on the background)

Acceptance means next step
Dismissal means cancelation

When you're waiting for a sub-interaction to finish successfully, you're probably only interested in layer acceptance, but not dismissal.

When opening a layer you may pass separate { onAccepted } and { onDismissed } callbacks:

  url: '/users/new',
  onAccepted: (event) => console.log("New user is " + event.value),
  onDismissed: (event) => console.log("User creation was canceled")

Overlays are promises

It's useful to think of overlays as promises which may either be
fulfilled (accepted) or rejected (dismissed).

Instead of using up.layer.open() and passing callbacks, you may use up.layer.ask().

up.layer.ask() returns a promise for the acceptance value, which you can await:

let user = await up.layer.ask({ url: '/users/new' })
console.log("New user is " + user)

Navigation intent

Switching screens vs. updating boxes

💡 Not all fragment updates are user navigation.

When Unpoly 1 updates a fragment, it applies many opinionated defaults:

  • Update the browser location
  • Scroll to reveal the new fragment
  • Cache responses for 5 minutes
  • Replace <body> for unexpected responses

While these are good defaults when the user follows a link a to navigate to a new screen, they get in the way when you only want to update a small box.

Actual usage often looked like this:

up.replace('.message-count', '/inbox', {
  cache: false,    // opt out of caching
  history: false,  // opt out of history
  reveal: false,   // opt out of scrolling
  fallback: false  // opt out of fallback targets

Unpoly 2 defaults are opt-in, not opt-out

Unpoly 2 replaces up.replace(), up.extract() with a unified function up.render().

When updating a fragment in Unpoly 2 with up.render(), you will get very few defaults:

// Will not update history, will not scroll, etc.
up.render('.message-count', { url: '/inbox' })

Options are now opt-in instead of opt-out:

// Will update history, but not scroll, etc.
up.render('.message-count', { url: '/inbox', history: true })

Navigation defaults

You can opt into defaults for user navigation with { navigate: true }:

// Will update history, will scroll, etc.
up.render('.content', { url: '/users/5', navigate: true })

Instead of up.render({ navigate: true }) you may also use up.navigate():

// Will update history, will scroll, etc.
up.navigate('.content', { url: '/inbox' })

Full list of navigation defaults

Option Effect Default Navigation default
{ history } Update browser location and window title false 'auto'
{ scroll } Scroll to the new element false 'auto'
{ fallback } Update <body> for unexpected responses false true
{ cache } Cache responses for 5 minutes false true
{ feedback } Set .up-active on the activated link false true
{ focus } Focus after update false 'auto'
{ solo } Cancel existing requests false true
{ peel } Close overlays when targeting a layer below false true

You can configure your navigation defaults with up.fragment.config.navigateOptions.

Clicking links and submitting forms are still considered navigation

You can opt out with the [up-navigate=false] attribute.

Deprecated render functions are still considered navigation

Deprecated functions like up.replace() and up.extract() navigate by default.
That's was the behavior in Unpoly 1, and we don't want to break your apps.


Types of disabilities

We will mostly talk about two types of disabilities:

  • Visual (low vision or blindness)
  • Lack of fine motor control (hard to point mouse)

As a user with one or both of these impairements I might use a screen reader with a keyboard.

Screen readers

Screen readers use speech synthesis that read a webpage aloud.

They come with many additional keyboard shortcuts to jump between page elements and describe what is visible on the screen.

A good screen reader for Chrome is the Screen Reader extension ("VoiceVox").

Some keyboard shortcuts

Key Effect
Tab Move to next focusable element
Shift+Tab Move to previous focusable element
ALT+Shift+Down Move down
ALT+Shift+Up Move up
ALT+Shift+N > H Move to next heading
ALT+Shift+R Start reading text from focused element
CTRL Stop reading
Enter Activate link
ALT+Shift+O > O Show all keyboard shortcuts

(Share chrome tab for sound)

Breaking screen readers with JavaScript

Not every site works well with a screen reader.

When you build a site with semantic HTML and no JavaScript, it will be reasonably accessible.
It's not great, but it's mostly OK.

As soon as you change content with JavaScript you will probably break screen readers without further testing:

  • Focus is not moved to new content when navigating
  • Interactive elements are not focusable
  • Interactive elements are not announced as such
  • Interactive elements cannot be activated with the keyboard

🎥 Demo with VoiceVox on https://railslts.com

Focus is "scrolling for your ears"

When relying on a screen reader, the focused element sets the reading position.

When your app scrolls or renders to present a new element,
consider whether also you want to move the reading position to that element.

Automatic focus management in Unpoly 2

Unpoly 2 tries to guide the user focus in your app.
The reading position is always moved to the next logical element.

🎥 Show in the demo app:

  • Activating a top navigation link focuses the target content
  • Overlays are focused after opening
  • When an overlay is closed, focus returns to the opening link
  • Screen reader announcements as we enter and exit overlays

(Reset screen sharing)

How focus is moved by default

When navigating, Unpoly will try to automatically guide the focus to the next logical reading position.
This is usually the new fragment.

More precisely, Unpoly will try in this order:

  • Focus a #hash in the URL
  • Focus an [autofocus] element in the new fragment
  • Focus the new fragment if focus was lost with the old fragment (prevent reset to <body>)
  • Focus the new fragment if it matches a main target

You may configure this behavior with up.fragment.config.autoFocus,
e.g. to auto-focus headlines or error messages.

Explicit focus control

Unpoly 2 also provides an [up-focus] attribute (or { focus } option for JS).
Use it to explicitely move the user's focus as you update fragments.


This would focus the .avatar element in the new fragment:

<a href="/users/5" up-follow up-focus=".avatar">Load profile</a>
Focus option Meaning
keep Preserve focus if possible
target Focus the updated fragment
target-if-main Focus the updated fragment if it is a main target
target-if-lost Focus the updated fragment if focus was lost with the old fragment
layer Focus the updated layer
autofocus Focus any [autofocus] elements in the new fragment
hash Focus the URL's #hash target (if any)
auto Smart logic for navigation (see earlier slides)
<Element> Focus this element
.css-selector Focus an element matching this CSS selector

Preserving focus

When updating a fragment with focus, { focus: 'keep' } will try to preserve focus-related properties.

When the focused fragment is rediscovered in the new content, the following properties are preserved:

  • Cursor position ("Caret")
  • Selection range
  • Scroll position (X/Y)

When validating with [up-validate], Unpoly will preserve focus when possible.

Focus in overlays

Unpoly 2 follows best practices for controlling focus in overlays:

  • When on overlay is opened, the overlay is focused.
    Screen readers start reading the overlay content.

  • When an overlay is closed, focus is returned to the link that opened the modal.

  • While the modal is open, focus is trapped in a cycle within the overlay.
    The user cannot focus elements outside the overlay.

Focus handling summarized

Unpoly 2 has sensible defaults for guiding focus.

If you want to optimize accessibility for your app, use the { focus } option.

When you use an explicit { scroll } option, think about also setting the { focus } option.

Accessible JavaScript buttons

When a <div> or <span> gets a click handler, the element cannot be focused or activated with the keyboard.

Instead of implementing the missing functionality with more JavaScript, you may give your element the [up-clickable] attribute. This will:

  • Makes the element focusable
  • Allows the user to activate the element with the keyboard (up:click is emitted)
  • Gets the [aria-role="link"] (so screen reader announces "link" on focus)

Use this for your JavaScript controls (e.g. a ▶️ Play button in a custom video player).
It works for all elements, not just Unpoly links.

If you can't control the markup of your inaccessible JavaScript control, add its selector to up.fragment.config.clickableSelectors.

Various A11Y improvements

  • [up-nav] sets [aria-current] to the current link.
  • Links with an [up-instant] attribute can now be followed with the keyboard.
  • When a fragment is being updated with a transition, the old version is given [aria-hidden=true] while it's disappearing.
  • Overlays now get an [aria-modal=true] attribute.

Some of these features were backported to Unpoly 0.62.

Quality of life improvements

Self-contained components

💡 We sometimes have multiple self-contained components on the same page.

In Unpoly 2 the position of a clicked link is considered when deciding which element to replace.

🎥 Demo: Task wall in sample app


Let's say we have three links that replace .card:

<div class="card">
  Card #1 preview
  <a href="/cards/1" up-target=".card">Show full card #1</a>

<div class="card">
  Card #2 preview
  <a href="/cards/2" up-target=".card">Show full card #2</a>

<div class="card">
  Card #3 preview
  <a href="/cards/3" up-target=".card">Show full card #3</a>
When clicking "Show full card #2", Unpoly 1 replaces the first card.
When clicking "Show full card #2", Unpoly 2 replaces the second card.

This also works with descendant selectors:

<div class="card">
  <a href="/cards/1/authors" up-target=".card .authors">Show card #2 authors</a>
  <div class="authors"></div>

<div class="card">
  <a href="/cards/2/authors" up-target=".card .authors">Show card #2 authors</a>
  <div class="authors"></div>

<div class="card">
  <a href="/cards/3/authors" up-target=".card .authors">Show card #3 authors</a>
  <div class="authors"></div>
When clicking "Show card #2 authors", Unpoly 2 replaces the first card's authors
When clicking "Show card #2 authors", Unpoly 2 replaces the second card's authors.

Extended URL patterns

Unpoly 1 supported URL wildcards like /users/* for [up-alias].

Unpoly 2 supports extended URL patterns for
[up-alias], [up-accept-location] and [up-dismiss-location]:

Pattern Meaning
/users/* Any prefix
*/users Any postfix
/users/* /account Space-separated alternatives (OR)
/users/* -/users/new Exclude with minus-prefix
/users/:id Capture segment (any string)
/users/$id Capture segment (only integers)

Navigation aborts earlier requests

Unpoly 1 has concurrency issues on slow connections:

  • User clicks link #1
  • Server takes long to respond to #1
  • User clicks another link #2
  • Server responds with #2
  • Server responds with #1
  • User sees effects of #1,
    but expected to see effects of #2.

In Unpoly 2 user navigation aborts existing requests, reducing concurrency:

  • User clicks link #1
  • Server takes long to respond to #1
  • User clicks another link #2
  • Unpoly cancels request for #1
  • Server responds with #2
  • User sees effects of #2

You may disable this with { solo: false } (JS) or [up-solo="false"] (HTML).

Calmer log

New log

Dealing with compiler errors

💡 Unpoly 1 has undefined behavior when a compiler crashes.

In Unpoly 2 a fragment update will always terminate cleanly:

  • When a compiler throws an error, other compilers will now run anyway.
  • When a destructor throws an error, other destructors will now run anyway.

In any case errors will be logged.


💡 It's hard to observe click when an element might be [up-instant].

The up:click event is generally emitted when an element is clicked. However, for elements with an [up-instant] attribute this event is emitted on mousedown instead.

This is useful to listen to links being activated, without needing to know if a link is [up-instant].


Assume we have two links, one of which is [up-instant]:

<a href="/one">Link 1</a>
<a href="/two" up-instant>Link 2</a>

This listener will be only called when the first link is activated:

document.addEventListener('click', function(event) {

This listener will be called when either link is activated:

document.addEventListener('up:click', function(event) {

Cancelation is forwarded

If the user cancels an up:click event with event.preventDefault(),
the underlying click or mousedown will also be canceled.

Unified scroll options

Unpoly 1 had multiple scroll-related options ({ reveal, resetScroll, restoreScroll }).

Unpoly 2 has unified these options into single option { scroll } ([up-scroll] in HTML).

The { scroll } option accepts one of the following values:

Option value Effect
false Don't scroll
target Reveal the updated fragment (Unpoly 1 default)
reset Scroll to the top
restore Restore last known scroll position for URL
hash Scroll to a #hash in the updated URL
.css-selector The CSS selector of the element to reveal
<Element> Reveal the given element
<Function(fragment)> Custom scrolling logic
auto Smart logic for navigation (see next slides)

Calmer scrolling

💡 Unpoly 1 scrolled too much.

Unpoly 1 always scrolled to reveal an updated fragment. This default was chosen to reset scroll positions when navigating to another screen.

🎥 Show demo on https://makandra.com:

  • Scroll down a long page
  • Follow a link in the navigation to a second page
  • Explain how without revealing, the second page would open with the first page's scroll positions

However, this default also caused scrolling when a smaller fragment was updated.
E.g. when the user switches between tabs, they wouldn't expect scroll changes.

Unpoly 2 no longer scrolls by default

When navigating the new default is { scroll: 'auto' }, which sometimes scrolls:

  • If the URL has a #hash, scroll to the hash.
  • If updating a main target, scroll to the top.
    The assumption here is that we navigated to a new screen.
  • Otherwise don't scroll.

You may configure this behavior with up.fragment.config.autoScroll.

Tuning the scroll effect

Option Meaning Default
{ revealPadding } Pixels between element and viewport edge 0
{ revealTop } Whether to move a revealed element to the top false
{ revealMax } How much of a high element to reveal 0.5 * innerHeight
{ revealSnap } When to snap to the top edge 200
{ scrollBehavior } auto/smooth 'auto' (no animation)
{ scrollSpeed } Acceleration of smooth scrolling 1 (mimic Chrome)

History is updated less often

When navigating the new default is { history: 'auto' }, which sometimes updates history:

  • When swapping a fragment, history is only changed when the fragment is a main target.
    The assumption is that we navigated to a new screen.
  • When opening an overlay, the layer history is set to the mode default
    (e.g. up.layer.config.modal.history).
    The overlay will keep this setting for its lifetime.

You may configure this behavior with up.fragment.config.autoHistory.

Smarter bandwidth usage

  • User navigation aborts existing requests
  • There is a single concurrency setting (default 4) for both regular requests and preload requests.
  • Bandwidth-friendly polling implementation (see below)
  • Preload on touch devices starts on touchstart
  • Preload requests are aborted as the user un-hovers the link
  • Preloading is now automatically disabled on slow connections

Slow connection?

We consider a connection to be slow if at least one of these conditions are true:

  • TCP Round Trip Time is >= 750 ms (up.network.config.slowRTT)
  • Downlink is <= 600 Kbps (up.network.config.slowDownlink)
  • User has data saving enabled ("Lite mode" in Chrome)

The values above may change during a session.
Unpoly will enable/disable preloading as conditions change.


💡️ Polling was a much-requested feature. Userland implementations often don't handle edge cases.

Polling means reloading the same fragment periodically.
Unpoly 2 ships with a polling implementation that handles edge cases.

Basic example

Assign the [up-poll] attribute to any element to reload it every 30 seconds:

<div class="unread-messages" up-poll>
  You have 2 unread messages

Configuring the reload URL

The polling fragment is reloaded from the URL that originally brought it into the DOM.

You may set an optional [up-source] attribute to reload from a different source:

<div class="unread-messages" up-poll up-source="/inbox/unread">
  You have 2 unread messages

Configuring the poll interval

You may set an optional [up-interval] attribute to change the reload interval:

<div class="unread-messages" up-poll up-interval="10_000">
  You have 2 unread messages

Digit groups separators (10_000) are a stage 3 ES6 feature and also supported
in Unpoly 2 number attributes.

You can also configure the interval default globally with up.fragment.config.pollInterval.

Polling pauses while the browser tab is invisible

This prevents unnecessary server load when another tab is in the foreground,
or when users keep apps running over night.

Polling pauses while the connection is slow

Don't DoS slow cellular connections.

Polling pauses while the fragment's layer is in the background

It resumes when the layer is unveiled.

Cheap polling responses

💡️ Naive polling implementation will often cause unchanged content to be re-rendered.

You may timestamp your fragments with an [up-time] attribute to indicate when the underlying data was last changed. For instance, when the last message in a list was received from December 24th, 1:51:46 PM UTC:

<div class="messages" up-time="1608817906">

When reloading the .messages fragment, Unpoly will echo that timestamp in an X-Up-Reload-From-Time header.

Only render when needed

The server may compare this timestamp with the time of your last data update. If no more recent data is available, the server can render nothing:

class MessagesController < ApplicationController

  def index
    if up.reload_from_time == current_user.last_message_at
      @messages = current_user.messages.order(time: :desc).to_a
      render 'index'


Only rendering when needed saves CPU time on your server,
which spends most of its response time rendering HTML.

This also reduces the bandwidth cost for a request/response exchange to ~1 KB.

For comparison: A typical request/response exchange on Cards eats 25-35 KB.

Improved server integration

💡 In Unpoly 1 the server could not trigger changes in the frontend.

Unpoly always had an optional protocol your server may use to exchange additional information when Unpoly is updating fragments. The protocol mostly works by adding additional HTTP headers (like X-Up-Target) to requests and responses.

Unpoly 2 extends the optional protocol with additional headers that the server may use to interact with the frontend.

Ruby on Rails examples ahead, but don't panic!

The code examples on the following slides are for the unpoly-rails integration. Expect integrations for other frameworks and languages to be updated for the new protocol after the release of Unpoly 2.

While you wait for your integration to be updated for Unpoly 2, existing protocol implementations will keep working with an Unpoly 2 frontend.

You can use any new features by manually setting a response header as documented in https://unpoly.com/up.protocol.

What we've seen so far:

  • The server can emit events on the frontend (X-Up-Events header)
  • The server can close overlays (X-Up-Accept-Layer and X-Up-Dismiss-Layer)

The server can target another fragment

The server may instruct the frontend to render a different target by assigning a new CSS selector to the up.target property:

unless signed_in?
  up.target = 'body'
  render 'sign_in'

The frontend will use the server-provided target for both successful (HTTP status 200 OK) and failed (status 4xx or 5xx) responses.

Rendering nothing

Sometimes it's OK to render nothing, e.g. when you know that the current layer is going to be closed.

In this case you may call up.render_nothing:

class NotesController < ApplicationController
  def create
    @note = Note.new(note_params)
    if @note.save
      if up.layer.overlay?
        redirect_to @note

This will render a 200 OK response with a header X-Up-Target: :none and an empty body.

Optimizing cacheability

Unpoly sends some additional HTTP headers to provide information about the fragment update:

Request property Request header
up.Request#target X-Up-Target
up.Request#failTarget X-Up-Fail-Target
up.Request#context 🆕 X-Up-Context
up.Request#failContext 🆕 X-Up-Fail-Context
up.Request#mode 🆕 X-Up-Mode
up.Request#failMode 🆕 X-Up-Fail-Mode

The server may return an optimized response based on these properties, e.g. by omitting a navigation bar that is not targeted.

To improve cacheability, you may may set up.network.config.requestMetaKeys to a shorter list of property keys:

// Server only optimizes for layer mode, but not for target selector
up.network.config.requestMetaKeys = ['mode']'

You may also send different request properties for different URLs:

up.network.config.requestMetaKeys = function(request) {
  if (request.url == '/search') {
    // The server optimizes responses on the /search route.
    return ['target', 'failTarget']
  } else {
    // The server doesn't optimize any other route,
    // so configure maximum cacheability.
    return []

Request meta information persists across redirects

When Unpoly makes a request, it sends along meta information as request headers:

POST /notes HTTP/1.1
X-Up-Version: 2.0
X-Up-Target: .company-box
X-Up-Mode: root

In Unpoly 1, these headers were lost after a redirect.
Subsequent requests would see a non-Unpoly request.

With unpoly-rails 2.0 meta information is persisted across redirects.

Example: Below the #create action saves a Note record and redirects to that note's #show action. In Unpoly 2 the #show can still see if the original request to #create was made by Unpoly, and not render an unneeded layout:

class NotesController < ApplicationController

  def create
    @note = Note.new(note_params)
    if @note.save
      redirect_to @note
      render 'new'  

  def show
    @note = Note.find(params[:id])
    render :show, layout: !up?


Controlling the frontend cache

The cache in Unpoly 1 follows two rules:

  • All GET-requests are cached for 5 minutes
  • All non-GET requests will clear the entire cache

These were generally good defaults, but sometimes we would cache too much or clear too much.

In Unpoly 2 the server can send an X-Up-Cache header to better manage the frontend cache.

The server can clear Unpoly's client-side response cache, even for GET requests:


You may also clear a single page:


You may also clear all entries matching a URL pattern:


You may also prevent cache clearing for an unsafe request:


Example for careful cache management

def NotesController < ApplicationController

  def create
    @note = Note.create!(params[:note].permit(...))
    if @note.save
      up.cache.clear('/notes/*') # Only clear affected entries
      up.cache.keep # Keep the cache because we haven't saved
      render 'new'

Async functions no longer wait for animations

In Unpoly 1 async functions didn't settle until animations finished.
This often caused callbacks to run later than they could.

In Unpoly 2 fragment updates settle as soon as the DOM was changed.
Any animation will play out after the promise has settled.

This generally makes code more responsive:

await up.layer.open({ url: '/users/new', openAnimation: 'fade-in' })
console.log("Hello overlay!") // overlay may still be fading in

When you need to wait

Unpoly 2 provides an { onFinished } callback for cases when your code does need to wait for animations:

  url: '/foo',
  transition: 'cross-fade',
  onFinished: () => console.log("Transition has finished!")

up.destroy(element, {
  animation: 'fade-out',
  onFinished: () => console.log("Animation has finished") 

Unified fragment update API

Unpoly 1 had many functions for updating fragments:
up.replace(), up.extract(), up.modal.extract(), etc.

Unpoly 2 has unified these into a single function up.render():

up.visit('/path')                   => up.render({ url: '/path' })
up.modal.visit('/path')             => up.render({ url: '/path', layer: 'new' })
up.replace('.element', '/path')     => up.render({ url: '/path', target: '.element' })
up.extract('.element', '<html>...') => up.render({ target: '.element', document: '<html>...' })

Every kind of fragment update accepts the full set of render() options.

Easy programmatic fragment changes

💡 Unpoly 1 required you to pass a target selector with every fragment update, which was very tedious. The selector was often the same, or inferable from context.

Unpoly 2 lets you render fragments with fewer arguments.

Open a layer without content


Open a layer without target

up.layer.open({ content: 'Helpful text' }) // opens in main target

This also works with HTML attributes:

<a up-layer="new" up-content="Helpful text">Help</a>

Derive target selector from HTML string

// This will update .foo
up.render({ fragment: '<div class=".foo">inner</div>' })

Change the inner content of an element

up.render({ target: '.foo', content: 'New inner HTML' }

Event handlers may change render options

💡 In Unpoly 1 had many events. But listeners were limited in what they could do.

When the user interacts with links or forms, Unpoly will emit these events:

  • up:link:follow
  • up:link:preload (new in Unpoly 2)
  • up:form:submit
  • up:form:validate (new in Unpoly 2)
  • up:layer:open (new in Unpoly 2)

Event handlers may prevent these events to cancel the fragment update.

Unpoly 2 also lets event listeners read and change render options for the coming fragment update.

Basic example

The code below will open all form-contained links in an overlay, as to not lose the user's form data:

up.on('up:link:follow', function(event, link) {
  if (link.closest('form')) {
    event.renderOptions.layer = 'new'

If you have compilers that only set default attributes, consider using a single event listener that manipulates event.renderOptions. It's much leaner than a compiler, which needs to be called for every new fragment.

Advanced example

Assume we give a new attribute [require-session] to links that require a signed-in user:

<a href="/projects" require-session>My projects</a>

When clicking the link without a session, a login form should open in a modal overlay. When the user has signed in successfully, the overlay closes and the original link is followed.

We can implement this with the following handler:

up.on('up:link:follow', 'a[require-session]', async function(event) {
  if (!isSignedIn()) {
    await up.layer.ask('/session/new', { acceptLocation: '/welcome' })

Content Security Policy

By choosing a strict CSP, you also decide against using event handlers in your HTML.

Handlers like [up-on-accepted] cannot work with CSP:

<a href="/contacts/new"

You will need to move your JavaScript code into your JavaScript sources.

This is easier now that event handlers can change render options:

<a href="/contacts/new" class="add-contact" up-follow>...</a>
up.on('up:link:follow', '.add-contact', function(event) {
  event.renderOptions.layer = 'new'
  event.renderOptions.acceptLocation = '/contacts/$id'
  event.renderOptions.onAccepted = (event) => up.reload('.table')

up.proxy is now up.network

All functions are aliased by unpoly-migrate.js.

up.request() rework

Unpoly 1 had a up.request() method to fetch HTML fragments for manual insertion.

What up.request() was often used for instead:

  • A cross-browser alternative to jQuery's $.ajax().
  • A cross-browser alternative to fetch() with a slightly nicer API.
  • To fetch JSON from APIs.

Actual usage would often look like this:

let response = await up.request('/api/v3/json')
let json = JSON.parse(response.text)

up.request() was not really designed for that, e.g. every response was automatically cached.

The cache is off by default

Direct calls to up.request() no longer cache by default.

You can opt into caching with { cache: true }.

Navigation intent will set { cache: true } for you.

Parsing JSON

To assist with API calls, Unpoly 2 adds up.Response#json:

let response = await up.request('/api/v3/foo')

Requests are abortable

You may now abort requests:

let request = up.request('/api/v3/foo')

This emits a new event up:request:aborted.

We already learnt that user navigation now aborts existing requests.
You may opt in and out of this with the { solo } flag.

Tooltips are gone

The tooltip component has been removed from Unpoly 2.

We want to focus on things that are hard to implement in userland.

Unpoly 2 converts [up-tooltip] attributes to [title] attributes.

There are countless alternatives

Do you really want a tooltip?

Touch devices don't really have a "hover" state.

That means that classic tooltips won't work on mobile. Consider a clickable popup instead:

  up-content="Locking a user will prevent them from using the application">

Handling unexpected server responses

💡 Servers sometimes respond with a fatal error, a maintenance page or non-HTML content.
Unpoly 1 didn't have a good way to deal with these exceptions.

Unpoly 2 emits a new event up:fragment:loaded when the server responds with the HTML, before the HTML is used to change a fragment.

Event listeners may call event.preventDefault() on an up:fragment:loaded event to prevent any changes to the DOM and browser history. This is useful to detect an entirely different page layout (like a maintenance page or fatal server error) which should be open with a full page load.


The following will make a full page load if any fragment update responds with a maintenance page:

up.on('up:fragment:loaded', function(event) {
  let isMaintenancePage = event.response.getHeader('X-Maintenance')

  if (isMaintenancePage) {
    // Prevent the fragment update and don't update browser history

    // Make a full page load for the same request.


Breaking changes

There's a short list of changes that we cannot fix with aliases.

Overlays (modals, popups) have different HTML

But it's similar. E.g. <div class="modal"> becomes <up-modal>.

Unpoly only sees the current layer

You can target other layers with { layer: 'any' }.

Async functions no longer wait for animations

You might or might not notice.

Tooltips are no longer built-in

But there are a million better libraries.

Unpoly 2 objectives

Kill boilerplate configuration

Repetitive configuration code is now the default. New, unopionated Bootstrap integration.

Layer API

A new layer API replaces modals and popups.
Layers are isolated and can be stacked infinitely.


Branch off sub-interaction into an overlay.
Overlay results are propagated back to parent layer.

Navigation intent

Not every fragment update means a user navigation. Switching screens need other defaults than updating a box.


All Unpoly features carefully manage focus. Keyboard navigation is supported everywhere.

Quality of live improvements

Extensive rework of almost all APIs.

Henning Koch  @triskweline

| Date | Event | | ------- | ------------------ | | 2018-02 | Start branch | | 2019-01 | `git reset --hard` | | 2020-12 | Today | | 2021-01 | Release Unpoly 2 |

When updating fragments you have two additional options: | Value | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------------------- | | `swap` | Replace the front layer with a new layer | | `new` | Open a new layer |

**Example:** Our index actions often have a search box to filter entries. We sometimes persist a search query on the server and restore it for subsequent visits. ```ruby def NotesController < ApplcationController def index if params[:query].nil? # Restore a query from a previous visit. query = current_user.last_notes_query else query = params[:query] # Remember the query for the next visit. current_user.update_attribute(:last_notes_query, query) # Earlier responses might now be cached with the wrong results, # so clear the cache for all index URLs. up.cache.clear('/notes/*') end @notes = Note.search(query).paginate end ... end ```

To update with a navigation intent, use either `{ navigate: true }` or `up.navigate()`: ```js up.render({ url: '/path', navigate: true }) // same as below up.navigate({ url: '/path' }) // same as above ```

- Kill boilerplate configuration - Layer rewrite - Sub-interactions - Navigation intent - Accessibility - Quality of live improvements